Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"In The Beginning"

Creating a website with information regarding respectful care has been a long awaited goal. We all have visions and expectations as to the final outcome. Over the years we have all shared a wealth of information that seems invaluable, and what a gift it would be to share that wealth with those struggling for such knowledge.
Together we have helped people find the strength to overcome barriers and navigate the never ending mazes that healthcare often sends them through.
Now it's time to put those thoughts and words into a physical place: a virtual map of navigation together with the assurance that these seekers are not alone in the quest for understanding and knowledge.
This "construction site" will give everyone a clear vision of expectations...and when seeking volunteers and advice, it will be with a solid direction.

We have posted the original Mission Statement and Goals. All other comments have been deleted so that we can start fresh and view old ideas in new ways.

*Let's move forward!

*Let's start to build a foundation now, so that the goal is accomplished in just a short time.

A warm welcome to everyone.....


How You Can Help

This type of undertaking could use help from everyone in all areas: From the issues that the website addresses down to the reality of finding ideas to fund a site on a continual basis. How interactive will we be in our support, to what types of information we need to make available. Lets start with the basics:
A) We will support the idea of dignified care and offer information on how to approach your provider regarding that need and how to make it happen.
B) We will support the idea that dignified care means different things to different people. Not everyone seeks same-gendered care, but rather: mitigation of respectful care.
C) We will list facilities that do offer same-gender care options. We will also list facilities that do not in a non-reactive and responsible manner. Yes or no avoids liability and narrative as to our opinions about the property is inappropriate.
D) We will explain Patient Rights, HIPAA, and JCAHO, and the differences on where to go if you believe you have had an inappropriate medical encounter.
E) We will publish a handout that people can take with them to their provider in order to make these discussions easier and stay on focus.
F) We will not publish slanderous remarks or anonymous examples of poor care. We will not participate in bigotry due to race, gender, or sexual orientation.

So...where would we like to start?

Mission Statement and Goals

Mission Statement and Goals

We believe that each patient is an individual and as such has specific preferences and needs including what accommodations they require to maximize comfort when their modesty must be compromised in the medical experience. Our mission it to act as a liaison between patients and providers in establishing, understanding, and executing the policies and procedures essential to that end. When appropriate we will act as advocates for patients to achieve that goal through interaction, education, and referrals to both patients and providers.

Our goal is to help patients achieve dignified and respectful healthcare through education and information. Everyone has different needs and expectations of their healthcare providers, and we provide choices and options in obtaining those needs. We understand that modesty, privacy, and respect are primary needs when facing procedures and we promote educating providers in the sensitivity of those needs.